The Good, The Bad, and The WTF!

Hello, fellow book lovers!

Ah, plot twists. They're like a surprise party—they can either be delightful or a complete disaster that leaves you questioning your life choices. They are the ultimate power move for any author looking to keep readers on their toes. Done well, they can elevate a story to new heights, leaving us turning the pages late into the night. Done poorly, however, they can leave us feeling cheated, confused, and maybe even a little angry.

The good plot twist is like a well-timed punchline. It's unexpected yet satisfying. It takes what you thought you knew about a story and blows it up. It might be shocking at first, but then the pieces fall into place and everything just fits. It's the kind of twist that makes you wish you could read the book again for the first time.

The bad plot twist, on the other hand, is like a joke that falls flat. It's predictable, forced, and just plain boring. It's the kind of twist that makes us roll our eyes and wonder why we even bothered reading the book in the first place. It's the literary equivalent of a bad joke.

And then there's the WTF?! plot twist. This is the kind of twist that makes us put the book down or flip back through the pages while questioning everything we’ve read so far. It's so bizarre, so out of left field, that we’re not even sure how it happened. Is it a good or bad thing? That’s really up to us. Some of us enjoy being befuddled and others not so much. In my opinion, if it makes you think about it after you put the book down that means it had an impact on you, and to me, that makes it good.

So, what makes a good plot twist? The clues are usually there hidden in the story, even if they're so subtle you don’t pick up on them. The twist also has to serve a purpose. It can't just be a twist for the sake of having a twist. It has to propel the story forward and add to the overall narrative. Otherwise, what’s the point?

As for bad plot twists, the key is to avoid being predictable. If the reader can see it coming from a mile away, it's not a twist. It’s just part of the story. Do all books have surprising twists, or twists at all? No, but when they do, they should hit the mark, make an impact.

And as for WTF plot twists...well, sometimes you just have to embrace the weirdness and power through. They may not be as rewarding as a good twist, but they can still make us appreciate the author’s creativity.

In conclusion, plot twists are like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're going to get. But each book is a new adventure, so keep your mind open and enjoy the ride!

Until next time, try something new. Switch up, pick a book from a genre you don’t normally read… you might just find your new favorite book.

Happy Reading, bookworms!!

Kimberly Quay

Kimberly Quay has loved romance & fantasy as far back as she can remember. Her childhood home was full of fantasy, romance, and thriller books and movies. Born and raised in Florida, she spent most of her youth outside searching for fairies and hoping to meet (and fall in love with) a vampire.

Author of (spicy) contemporary romance, (steamy) paranormal shifter romance, and (thrilling) urban fantasy, she’s a sucker for a good rom-com and she’s fascinated by old graveyards. When she’s not working on her next novel, she’s reading or kicking her husband’s butt in darts.

Kimberly still loves reading. Especially Nora Roberts and Kim Harrison.

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The Art of Procrastination