A Pain in the Manuscript, but a Gain in the Plot

Hello, book lovers! Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes when writers edit their manuscripts? Well, let me tell you, it's not pretty. Editing takes a heaping scoop of humility, a few gallons of perseverance, and boatloads of patience.

First, writers have to accept that their writing is not perfect. We all have typos and inconsistencies in our writing. So, we put aside our egos and dive into the abyss of run-on sentences, misspelled (or completely missing) words, and plot holes!

After that, we we look at the big picture stuff. Does the story make sense? Are there any plot holes? Is the pacing off? These are the things that will make or break a novel. It's not always easy to spot these issues, which is why we often ask for feedback from other writers or trusted readers. Sometimes, the feedback is as welcome as a phone call in the middle of your Netflix binge (who even makes phone calls anymore?🤣) But feedback is vital to making the book the best it can be.

Once the meat of the story is settled, it's time to get down and dirty with the details. This is where we focus on grammar, spelling, and punctuation—you know, the fun stuff!🫠 And, of course, the dreaded typos. It's amazing how one misplaced letter can turn a beautiful sentence into a hilarious (but not in a good way) mess.

So, we go through the manuscript with a fine-tooth comb, trying to catch every mistake. Then we go through it again… and again… and again! Despite all that, something will slip through the cracks because even the best of editors miss things.

That one error will inevitably be pointed out in someone’s review😂, which will lead to us agonizing over it until the newly updated version goes live on Amazon!

Finally, we take breaks. Yes, editing can be tedious and frustrating, but it's important to give ourselves some distance from our manuscript. We go for walks, binge-watch our favorite TV shows, cry in the shower, or do anything to take our minds off our writing for a little while. Breaks are essential to keep us sane. Plus, it gives us an excuse to eat copious amounts of chocolate and drink jugs of coffee. (Don't judge, chocolate and coffee are vital to the writing process.😏)

In conclusion, editing a manuscript is not a glamorous process, but it is a crucial one. Writers must accept that their writing is not perfect and focus on the big picture before tackling the nitty-gritty details.

So, the next time you read a novel, know that the author has been through a rollercoaster of emotions starting with elation at finishing a manuscript, crippling bouts of imposter syndrome, torment while waiting for feedback from beta readers and editors, and finally a sense of accomplishment when the manuscript is polished and ready for the world! (Overwhelming fear of putting ourselves out there accompanies that feeling of accomplishment…)

And if you ever come across a comical typo, just remember everyone makes mistakes, and even the best editor in the universe is going to miss something now and then.

Until next time, Happy Reading!

Kimberly Quay

Kimberly Quay has loved romance & fantasy as far back as she can remember. Her childhood home was full of fantasy, romance, and thriller books and movies. Born and raised in Florida, she spent most of her youth outside searching for fairies and hoping to meet (and fall in love with) a vampire.

Author of (spicy) contemporary romance, (steamy) paranormal shifter romance, and (thrilling) urban fantasy, she’s a sucker for a good rom-com and she’s fascinated by old graveyards. When she’s not working on her next novel, she’s reading or kicking her husband’s butt in darts.

Kimberly still loves reading. Especially Nora Roberts and Kim Harrison.


Genre Spotlight: Romance!
